Why Mental Health Matters for Black, Brown, Indigenous, and other People of Color
According to the American Counseling Association
Black/African American:
Black and African American people living below poverty are twice as likely to report serious psychological distress as those living over two times the poverty level. [CDC]
Men of African descent are nine times more likely than White men to be victims of homicide.
Historical adversity translates to socioeconomic disparities experienced by Black and African American people, which is linked to mental health. [Source]
Adult Blacks and African Americans are more likely to have feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and worthlessness than adult Whites. [CDC]
Latinx parents may expedite assimilation in their children by promoting adoption of American culture, leading to internalized racism which can cause depression and low self-esteem.
Latina adolescents attempt suicide at higher rates than other gender/ethnic groups: 20% of Latina adolescents report a plan to commit suicide and 11.1% attempt suicide.
Native American/Indigenous:
Due to high levels of poverty, many Native Americans face economic barriers that prevent them from receiving treatment. [Source]
Compared to Whites, three times as many Native Americans lack health insurance – 37% compared to 6.3%. Approximately 2.5 million Native Americans rely on the Indian Health Service for care. [Source]
Native Americans who meet the criteria for depression, anxiety, or substance abuse disorders are significantly more likely to seek help from a spiritual healer than from specialty or other medical sources. [Source]
Asian American:
Xenophobic racism against Asian Americans has surged as the coronavirus sweeps the U.S., with reports of hate crimes averaging approximately 100 per day.
Suicide is the second-leading cause of death for Asian Americans ages 15-34.
One study found that 70% of Southeast Asian refugees receiving mental health care were diagnosed with PTSD.
Middle Eastern:
Women who emigrated from the Middle East may be subjected to domestic violence, particularly if they entered into arranged marriages with American men.
Asylum seekers from the Middle East may cope with mental health issues related to situations they have fled, including torture, war, political oppression, and other circumstances.